Montag, 5. September 2011


After almost five month of doing almost nothing, I started my job training at a big concern which produces car parts. I really like my new job and I am really looking forward the training period. The colleagues are really enchanting and we have a lot of fun already. Spending eight hours in the bureau, unfortunately, also means having less time for sewing. Allthough I could manage to finish these two pieces.

I've started the blazer in mid-July. But I hate to sew the lining into jackets and so the blazer was on the waiting line since then. It's made of a grey suit fabric with a little green cast. I did not add buttons because I don't wear it closed anyway. The flap pockets were a little bit more challenging but I think I could manage it quite well.

The dress was in the german burda 08/11. I didn't buy this edition and so I had to improve the pattern. It was really not that difficult to develop the pattern. Not too much effort but much more satisfaction in the end with the finished dress. The fabric has the same texture as the blazer but is in a soft lilac tone. It is quite eays to sew and feels comfortable on the skin.